Thing three Image Banks
Image Banks I had an idea of when I started this course that I would have a theme running through my posts that would give me a topic on which to hang the tasks around and generally make it easier for me to write a blog. The topic I had chosen was food including gardening and cooking. It may not be very appropriate for my work but it would give me lots of vibrant pictures. Using images can bring a minefield of problems. When making posters, writing projects in your own work or helping others with course work copyright can cause confusion. As a librarian I have had to explain to people what they can use and what they can't and how they can use items. I've had to sign agreements with the owners of photographs on how and where it will be used. I sometimes had difficulty explaining this to the person who requested the photograph. I have used both pixabay and flikr before. I am part of the WRSLAI committee so I have uploaded uploaded photos of our events to our fol...